Wednesday, June 3, 2009

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to the doctor today and found out we are having another little boy! We are so excited and Thomas is very proud that he will have a little brother to play with. Ted has been wishing for another boy this whole time so he is beside himself. I didn't care either way and another little boy will be the perfect addition to our family.

End of the year program

Getting in place for the program

Smiling for the audience

Too cute in my jeans and cowboy boots

I knew all my songs and sang them loud so everyone could hear

At home before my program
Thomas had his end of the year program at school a couple of weeks ago. It was a patriotic theme and he did so good. He knew all of his songs and his Bible verse! It's still hard to believe that he is four and old enough to be in an end of the year program! Here are a few pics from the evening.

Memorial Day

Thomas with his cousins Kate Harding and Emma Lewis

We spent Memorial Day weekend at my parent's house. Thomas got to go swimming for the first time this year but the water was freezing! The kids didn't seem to mind too much but none of the adults could handle it! We all had a good time anyway.